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Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
Afraid to take a sick day? You are not alone.
There are various reasons why people go to work when they are sick. Do you recognize any of these reasons when you go to work when you...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
When Your Customers Meet Your Sick Employees: Disgust, Fear, Anger, Guilt, and Compassion Result
What is the harm in presenteeism or “sickness presence” when ill employees still go to work? Maybe more harm than employers realize....

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
Tips for Taking Time Off
Summary of the article, “Parents, Take Your Sick Days” by Tim Sullivan April 14, 2021, HBR[i] Reluctant to take sick days even when you...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
Sick Days Cost Everyone Something
Rising number of sick days and staffing shortages caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have a negative impact on employers and staff. There...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
Calculate Your Organization’s Annual Absenteeism Rate to Save Money
Does your organization calculate your annual absenteeism rate? If not, it is time to start. It is the benchmark to understand the direct...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
Simple & Affordable Options to Keep Employees Healthy
Whether large or small, employers can offer benefits to employees to keep them healthy. Here are a few ideas that can work for your...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 23, 2023
Absenteeism and the Impact on the Bottom Line: Hand Hygiene to the Rescue!
The “Great Resignation” and COVID-related absenteeism have challenged service providers to keep the doors open with adequate numbers of...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Jan 20, 2023
Understanding Presenteeism and Why It Matters to Organizations & Employees
Would your organization prefer to have a sick person at work rather than miss a day? If so, then it is time to rethink why it is probably...

Elizabeth Ziemba
Dec 28, 2022
Healthy Hospitality™ Essential Tools to Improve Health at Work
If there is anything we have learned from the recent ups and downs of business, it is the importance of staying healthy, especially in...
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